We can officially confirm we are expecting lambs from January.
As a birthday surprise JJ organised for our vet to come out and scan our sheep. One is further along than the others so we think she caught on the first cycle with Hunter our ram and the others on the next. This will be our first homebred lambs so we are very excited. With first pregnancies as expected they are each carrying one lamb.
The girls are group 2 and Hunter group 1 so the babies can be either group. (Group 1 being the most scrapie resistant & able to export, group 3 less scrapie resistant) This will be confirmed by grassroots once they have arrived.
With pregnancy our girls need extra feeding support. We do this by adding a high energy mineral lick alongside their salt lick and increase their feed supplement. We have also taken the boys out of the girls camp so they can enjoy peace and quiet at feed times (although I think Harmony and Herbie are missing snuggling up to each other)
They have been given their yearly heptavac booster and footvax treatment to maintain their general health. As with the weather changing our next step is to arrangement their barn, a maternity and nursery area for the new mums. But first we need to move 250 bales by hand...I still think we need a tractor....
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