First homebred full blood Wagyu calf

Here she is! Kiko is our first full blood Wagyu to be born on the farm. She is an absolute beauty. one minute she wasn't in the field and the next she was. 5 days early and caught us slightly off guard. If it wasn't for Mum separating herself away from the herd we wouldn't have been able to tell. Like nothing has happened to her and completely well. 

The differences we've noticed so far compared to Dexters:

Bigger in general and more muscular back legs. Ears- definitely bigger ears and obvious face shape. Think it's just her but up and running circles on her Mum - day 2. Don't know how we're going to catch her to put her ear tags in!

Its our favourite time on the farm when the animals are born and being able to watch from such close quarters is a delight.

We are now in calving season.

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